
Defender flash loan
OpenZeppelin's 'Defender' Gives DeFi Teams a Weapon Against Flash Loan Attacks
Flash loan attacks have filched nearly $150 million from DeFi projects since 2020.
Defender flash loan

DeFi projects are lined up out the door for code audits as 'DeFi Summer' dies down.
DeFi Audit Firms Seeing 'Overwhelming Demand' Even Amid Token Price Slump
Overbooked audit firms are “rejecting” DeFi projects for code checks as the young sector wallows in its first bear market.
DeFi projects are lined up out the door for code audits as 'DeFi Summer' dies down.

CoinDesk - Unknown
OpenZeppelin Discloses 'High Severity Vulnerability' in DeFi Wallet Argent
A “high severity vulnerability” was found and patched in Ethereum wallet Argent, according to leading white-hat hackers OpenZeppelin.
CoinDesk - Unknown

ZeppelinOS Software Launch Promises Easier Fix for Ethereum Contracts
ZeppelinOS wants to incentivize developers to create smart contract libraries which they can then improve, stamping out bugs and standardizing code.